Publications - Journal

  1. Kyoohyung Han, Minki Hhan, and Jung Hee Cheon, Improved Homomorphic Discrete Fourier Transforms and FHE Bootstrapping. IEEE Access., 2019
  2. Hao Cheon, Ran Gilad-Bachranch, Kyoohyung Han, Zhicong Huang, Amir Jalali, Kim Laine, and Kristin Lauter, Logistic regression over encrypted data from fully homomorphic encryption. BMC Medical Genomics. 2018.
  3. Jung Hee Cheon, Kyoohyung Han, Seong-Min Hong, H Jin Kim, Junsoo Kim, Suseong Kim, Hoseong Seo, Hyungbo Shim, and Yongsoo Song, Toward a Secure Drone System: Flying with Real-time Homomorphic Authenticated Encryption. IEEE Access. 2018.
  4. Jung Hee Cheon, Kyoohyung Han, Chanmin Lee, Hansol Ryu, and Damien Stehle, Cryptanalysis of the CLT13 Multilinear Map. Journal of Cryptology. 2018.